
What is Workers’ Compensation for workers who are injured while working?

Workers’ rights if they are injured while working (for injured workers) W Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance. Most companies require this insurance, which guarantees treatment costs and salaries for employees who are injured at work and for periods of time when they are unable to work. The premiums for workers’ compensation are paid by the company; it cannot require the employee to pay the premiums.If a worker has suffered an injury at work…

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¿Qué es la Compensación para Trabajadores para trabajadores que se lesionan mientras trabajan?

Derechos de los trabajadores si se lesionan mientras trabajan (para trabajadores lesionados) La compensación para trabajadores es una forma de seguro. La mayoría de las empresas requieren este seguro, que garantiza los costos de tratamiento y los salarios de los empleados que se lesionan en el trabajo y por períodos de tiempo en los que no pueden trabajar. Las primas para la compensación de trabajadores son pagadas por la compañía; no puede exigir que el…

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Day of the small claims court to the verdict

What to keep in mind on the day of the trial O On the day of the trial, you must arrive at least 30 minutes before the time listed on the notice. It is absolutely necessary to pass through the security check and find the assigned courtroom. The small court is a strict court, a solemn place where people who have sworn that they will tell the truth. In addition to polite and well-groomed attire,…

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